I have been working on the select guide for the last few weeks. I have roughed out a good few pages, maybe 200. Just wanted to get a feel for the layout. It’s easy in the early stages to make great progress and think that it’s all going to be easy but guidebooks are all about the detail and getting that right is what takes time.
So I have started a second pass, trying to add in more detail as I go. I started work on the Glendalough section and immediately got confused. First route on the crag, going from left to right is Cracks on the Garden of Eden. A good route I did it just over a year ago.
The latest Wicklow guide is more than a little confusing. Below is an extract from the relevant top, it can be downloaded here.
6. Garden of Eden
7. Cracks on the Garden of Eden
It seems to me the line for Cracks is reasonable accurate but that it depicts the more direct HVS variant. And that the line of Garden should go more right on the approach to the tree. Like this:
Can anyone shed any light on this?
Also I assume it’s possible to do Cracks in one pitch?