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April 2023 Newsletter

Welcome to the fourth Three Rock Books newsletter. Thanks for signing up. I hope these monthly emails will offer some interesting insights into my plans for Three Rock Books.


Galway Wind Park

The damp weather has hampered work on the second edition of Cycling in Ireland; apparently, it has been the wettest March on record! I’m just back from a week holiday in Connemara and I took some time away on a lovely sunny day to do a gravel route around Galway Wind Park. The route surpassed my expectation with some really fast hard-packed sand tracks and a nice mix of forestry and upland surroundings. The route’s highpoint offered great views over Lough Corrib, the mountains of Connemara and across Galway Bay to the Burren.

The view over Lough Corrib from the route’s highest point


Wanderlust Nordics

A few months ago I was approached by Gestalten a German publisher of beautiful coffee-table books. They were working on a new title in their Wanderlust series and were looking for photos of the Arctic Circle Trail in Greenland which I walked in 2017. I gathered my best shots from the trip and sent them over, but I wasn’t very optimistic that they would make the cut, Gestalten really have high standards, all their books have amazing photography.

So, it was a very pleasant surprise to hear back that they were going to use four of my shots. And not only did they pay me but they also sent a copy of the book and it’s up to their usual high standard. Check it out if you are interested in planning a remote walking holiday.

Moonrise over Bunowen Bay, County Galway

Exploring Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way Reprint

Last month I reprinted Exploring Ireland and this month I’m reprinting Exploring Ireland’s Wild Atlantic. Reprints, like buses, seem to arrive in twos. With the shelves already literally packed to the rafters I’m not sure where I’m going to store them, but I’m pretty much out of stock so they need to be printed either way.

I print with Walsh Colour Print in Castleisland, County Kerry. I’m very proud to print in Ireland and despite the fact that print costs have risen considerably over the last year or so and that I could make a significant saving by printing abroad I will continue to do so. Walsh offer a great service and are very quick, sometimes it only takes 3 or 4 days to have the book sitting in front of me!

Reviews of Exploring Ireland

Two weeks ago I send an email requesting reviews of Exploring Ireland on Amazon.co.uk, and about a half dozen of you very kindly did so and it’s much appreciated. A book can never have too many reviews so if you enjoyed it I would still really appreciate a review.

Thanks for Reading

If you have any thoughts, suggestions or feedback then don’t hesitate to get in touch, I would love to hear from you. Enter the code below to get a 20% discount on any orders you make over the four weeks.
