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Last week I went through my drone shots and posted about thirty of the best on my blog. They are all photos that have been taken looking straight down. Generally they aren’t very suitable for use in my books as they are quite abstract, but taken collectively I think they are very pleasing to the eye. Check out the entire selection on my blog.
I have made a small amount of progress on the bouldering guide and am close to finalising the Scalp chapter of the book. Progress has been very slow, partly due to the fact that I don’t climb much nowadays, but I’m getting back into it, and due to the reality that bouldering guides aren’t very profitable so it’s doesn’t get the same attention as other projects.
Shortly I hope to have the Scalp chapter ready to release into the wild to get some feedback from people on the content and the general approach. For the third edition I have decided to move away from the A5 landscape format to the larger trim size I use on most of my books – 210x170mm.
The first two editions were relatively compact, for example the Scalp only got 4 pages inthe 2nd edition. A lot has been done there since and I think it deserves more thorough coverage, so in the 3rd edition it will be about more like 20 pages!
UPDATE it’s ready and can be downloaded from here.
If you have any thoughts, suggestions or feedback then don’t hesitate to get in touch, I would love to hear from you. And if you haven’t subscribed to the the list then you might consider doing so below.