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March 2024 Newsletter

Thanks to everyone who signed up to the newsletter, I really appreciate the support which is so vital for a small business like mine.



Cycling in Ireland – Amazon reviews desperately needed!

A few days ago I realised that the second edition of Cycling in Ireland has zero reviews on Amazon UK. I’m wary of buying anything on Amazon with a very low number of reviews, so it would be really helpful if anyone who has a copy of the second edition could spare a few minutes to write a review. Here is the link.

My Website

I have been working hard the last few weeks on updating my website. As I rely heavily on direct online sales it’s vitally important. Most of the changes I have made are in the background; trying to speed the site up, improve the SEO and improve how it looks on mobiles etc. 

In the last few days I have made some big changes to the steps required to buy a product. I have removed the cart so you now go straight to the checkout page, I hope this doesn’t confuse anyone and makes purchasing a little easier.

If you notice any issues or have any advice I would love to hear it. I’m far from an expert on the web end of things. I suppose that’s the nature of being a one-person band, you need to just get stuck in and often good enough is good enough.

Coillte and Cycling on Forest Roads

In late February I wrote a long blog post detailing the current situation with cycling on Coillte forest roads. I won’t get into it here, but it’s an awful state of affairs. Check out the post here.

Ireland’s Highest Cliff

I also wrote a detailed post discussing Ireland’s highest cliff. There is plenty of nonsense written about this topic and I wanted to set out some facts. You can read it here.

Wild Atlantic Way Map

Last month I finished the Wild Atlantic Way map that I had been working on. I’m very pleased with how it turned out. I know that the geometric style isn’t for everyone, some people felt that the straight lines didn’t reflect the incredibly windy nature of the roads and the west coast in general, which is fair enough.

So, I think I will, in the near future, make a more conventional version of the map.

Anyway it’s available to order now.

A bit of new bouldering in Cork

My own outdoor adventures have been rather limited the last month or so, most of the blame lies with the awful weather and my dodgy shoulder. However, I was away for a weekend in Cork and managed to get an hour’s bouldering in a nice new spot. Found a promising boulder on the web and it turned out to be really nice. It’s rare that a boulder meets expectations and we happily climbed a few new problems before we had to race off to the St Patrick’s Day festivities. Hopefully we will be back next year as there were a few other worthwhile boulders nearby.

The April Special Offer

I have started running a special offer each month. During March you could get a free Adventure Map when you ordered a copy of Exploring Ireland. This offer is still running and will for another month or so.

For April the special offer is a free Cycling Map of Ireland with each order of Cycling in Ireland. The A2 poster is worth €20 so I think this is a really good deal.

Thanks for Reading


If you have any thoughts, suggestions or feedback then don’t hesitate to get in touch, I would love to hear from you.  And if you haven’t subscribed to the the list then you might consider doing so below.

